
Be. mystery.

Last night when I saw the moon out my window I felt compelled to try and capture it. 

Later that night I learned that this, the first full moon of the year, was going to be the closest to the earth and brightest of the entire year. The Native Americans call it Wolf Moon.




I've been experimenting with new etsy shop products. Here are a couple of prototypes.
So many ideas, so much time, so little excuses.



In sticking with the theme of be • do • have, I labeled this post "have" yet I know I do not own the
changing landscape that I see every day. 

Yet this is the experience that I am having, and although my life, like others, has had its unexpected
twists and turns I am sure that my being who I am and doing what I've done has brought me to this

In my imperfection, I am humbled and awestruck by the effortless beauty of nature around me.




To say I am behind on my Christmas gifts is an understatement. 
Today I completed a little purse made of upholstery binding material.
Also a little needle felted chick with one big foot that will accompany a donation to the heifer project to purchase little chicks.



Today I went out in the not-so-cold of 33 degrees. It was perfect for my first time snowshoeing. 
Its too easy for me to hole myself up in my studio and for the last few weeks that's what I've done.

My dad got me outside and I am grateful, it was beautiful and bright, surrounded by snow. 

Tomorrow we are going on a group snowshoe adventure. Hope to get some good photos to share.



I started re-reading Byron Katie's book "A Thousand Names For Joy: Living in harmony with the way things are". 

"The litmus test for self-realization is a constant state of gratitude. This gratitude is not something you can look for or find. It comes from another direction, and it takes you over completely. It's so vast that it can't be dimmed or overlaid. The short version would be "mind in love with itself." ....When you live your life from that place of gratitude you've come home."

This passage struck me and I haven't read beyond it yet. Just attempting to feel it and be it. At this point I feel like I have to consciously think about being grateful, it doesn't always or even frequently come naturally for my mind to be filled with gratitude. Her words make sense to me though. To have gratitude be something that takes me over completely as a part of my living and breathing would be humbling. In expressing "mind in love with itself", although challenging, I understand the benefit of loving all of the directions my mind goes even though it can also take me to not so nice places. Ahhh, the classroom of life, it keeps me on my toes.



Today I received my goals and intentions kit that I found at Jessica Gonacha's etsy shop. She is so talented. 
I love her patterns and illustrations so it is twice as inspiring to use this kit to focus on my creative aspirations for the coming year.
She also is a part of the website Spring Inspiration which I highly recommend checking out.


its nice to practice knitting AND make something to boot.



fuzzy furry nest


felted nesting bowls made over the holidays. i love the nestyness



knitted, felted by hand then needle felted bowl I created for my mother


set up my dining table on this sunny winter day